API solution for FRAMEN's exclusive content and monetisation
We offers different solutions to connect to your existing CMS or Digital Signage system.
Monetise your inventory
A GET-Request is being made to the RESTful vendor API in order to request for content of a specific Player for one play out. The response returns information about the content pieces to be played. In this case it returns two objects which describe the editorial content and the advertisement. Both objects can describe either an image, video or HTML.
A stable internet connection and custom development for integration of our API
Programmatic Content Delivery
Programmatic describes the dynamics of delivering different content based on external factors and its ability to communicate and change in real time.
With other words this means, that every single play out of content needs to go through communication between the platform and the requesting device.
Depending on the news setup, they will always be returned with either HTML, video or image file type. For HTML cases, the url needs to be opened in a WebView.When ads are delivered, the object will return meta data for this single play out. Ads can be pre-cached to reduce data traffic when the same creative is supposed to be run again.
Locations act as geographical anchors and groups of screens. They define availabilities and categorize the environment. Screens can not exist without Locations, so please create Locations beforehand. Locations go through an approval process performed by FRAMEN.
Create a Screen within your organization, a screen belongs to a location and will be used in the API call. FRAMEN can also do bulk imports when necessary.
Dynamic Inventory Sync
Locations and Screens can be created, read and updated via dedicated APIs to ensure up-to-dateness of data and to make additions of screens as easy as possible.
Creatives Approval
All creatives within a campaign targeting your screens will trigger a request that needs to be reviewed within 48 hours. The request is sent via email to the email of the account. You can also turn on the "Instant approval" feature where all ads will be approved first and you have 48 hours to reject them. Approval settings can be found in the FRAMEN dashboard.
Alternatively we also offer an API to retrieve all creative approval requests.
Ad Reports
All report and analytics data will have to be accessed via the FRAMEN dashboard.
The reports tab provides a summary of advertising data for each connected screen or display. It details all the ads that have been shown, the total number of ad spots played, and the overall impressions made.

Earning Overview
The earnings dashboard presents a comprehensive look at your total income and monthly earnings, which you can conveniently download as a PDF report.

Programmatic Content Delivery
Enjoy highly relevant content that align perfectly with your preferences and interests of your audience. As a result audiences have maximum content relevance.
Maximum Flexibility
Our API provides a range of adjustable parameters to suit your preferences. Easily change the priority or repetitiveness of advertisements and your own content.
Update Inventory
Easily bulk import your inventory to the FRAMEN system to make it available on our platform. Use the dashboard to manage and tweak your listings.
Creatives & Approval
Review and approve campaign creatives targeting your screens within 48 hours, or opt for "instant approval" with a 48-hour period to reject them as needed.
No-Code Implementation
Alternatively to our API, we offer several other option to connect with our platform.

Smart TV / App
The FRAMEN Screen Manager is available for Android TV and Fire OS App Markets. If you have screens running these OS just download the app and you are good to go.

Streaming Sticks
No Smart TV? No problem. Using an Android, Fire OS or Google Chromecast streaming stick will allow you to download our app.

FRAMEN also provides a Ready-to-Go content management solution. This is the best universal way to connect. Contact us to get details on technical requirements.
Monetize your screens
Show Advertisment inbetween your content and earn revenue with all your existing screens.